Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

What are the risks?

  • Cocaine is rapidly absorbed through the lungs, into the blood and swiftly to the brain. Chances of overdosing are high and poisoning can lead to coma, convulsions and death.
  • Cocaine has an effect on the Central Nervous System and can have negative effects on a users cardiovascular system leading to increased blood pressure and tachycardia (rapid heart beat)
  • Cocaine will induce a feeling of intense pleasure but the feeling will quickly subside and a feeling of depression will replace the euphoria. This leads to a desire to use again and thus a cycle of dependence and addiction is created. The user will constantly be thinking about how, when and where they can use again.
  • Cocaine will have an effect on the users psychological well-being and can lead to mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks and aggressive behaviours.
  • Regular use may lead to a psychosis that causes feelings of paranoia and hallucinations. Users may believe they have insects or snakes crawling under their skin. Paranoia and depression can lead to violent and suicidal behaviours.

Why should I consider residential treatment?

The symptoms described above can be intense and hard to manage, both physically and psychologically. This can quickly become too hard for the person in withdrawal and thus, they will not achieve the desired withdrawal but feel drawn back to Cocaine use. It can also be very difficult to manage for the family member or loved one who is trying to look after the addicted person through this process and who does not have the emotional strength to motivate them nor the medical expertise needed to make sure the symptoms are minimised.

Do you really want to achieve this goal?

If you have answered YES then we strongly advocate a residential detox and treatment programme that will offer you the absolute, best chance of long-term recovery.

Physical Symptoms:

  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • Itching and associated rash or skin inflamation

Psychological Symptoms:

  • Dysphoria (extreme low mood)
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of motivation
  • Compulsive craving
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations

What can I expect when I go into treatment?

Residential treatment will consist of a range of treatment delivery models to treat the physical and psychological addiction.

A doctor will see and assess you on admission and will prescribe any drug appropriate to reduce the risk, and alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal. The doctor may also undertake a physical examination and check weight, blood pressure and temperature. It is likely that a urine test will be completed to record drug usage. Routine blood tests may also be undertaken. The doctor will also review any current prescribed medication and advise accordingly. Throughout the treatment process the doctor will monitor physical well-being and be called if there are any medical needs identified.

A key worker will be allocated to the client and will spend some time gathering some background history and developing a plan of care. The client will be fully involved with this and be expected to make his/her choices and wishes known. The plan of care will address drug or alcohol use, physical health needs, behavioural issues, psychological well-being and social needs.

The treatment will consist of education and therapy to understand and challenge the addictive illness and to encourage an awareness of the underlying issues behind it, recognising trigger points and altering and affecting behaviours to allow a life free of the harm it creates.

The ultimate goals for recovery are:

  • To undergo a safe, medically supervised detoxification
  • To address and treat medical needs
  • To challenge and understand the psychological needs that lie behind the addictive illness
  • To facilitate family healing
  • To develop healthy inter-personal relationships
  • Improve daily living skills
  • To seek an understanding of addiction as an illness and how to manage it now and in the future
  • To develop an acceptance of the need to take one day at a time and seek support from 12 step focused fellowship meetings


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