Alcohol Treatment - Brighton

Here to help Brighton-based patients

Seeking help with addiction is an extremely difficult and brave decision. Addiction sufferers often spend many years denying their problem before they seek help. Once the decision has been made we at Priority believe that the process of finding the right treatment for you should be as simple and stress-free as possible.

We know how you feel

Highly qualified advisers will offer you world class treatment. The team has many years of experience effectively helping to rehabilitate clients with a range of addictions including alcohol and / or drug addiction, gambling addiction, eating disorders, stress and burnout.


Priority offers safe, relaxing and contemporary treatment centres in and around Brighton with a choice of plans to suit your individual needs. We will assess your needs over the phone free of charge in the first instance and help you to decide on the best course of action for you. We offer the option of same day admission where this is deemed necessary.


All of our facilities offer a sanctuary for addiction sufferers in which to start on the road to recovery. We are committed to helping each and every patient to achieve their goal of recovery. 

Our settings provide a tranquil environment for sufferers to retreat to and take the time out from the stresses and strains of everyday life to recover fully in beautiful and calming surroundings, with choices of private rooms and cottages to suit your individual needs.

All of our settings are easily accessible from Brighton Railway Station, which boasts excellent rail links across the UK, as well as by road.


Treatment in Brighton


Recovery will start with a detox period carried out in a residential setting with round the clock support. It is a carefully monitored process which caters to individual needs, including any medical requirements, focussing on providing a tranquil, calming experience.

Your Individual Treatment Plan

Following the detox period clients will then enter into the therapeutic programme. This varies greatly and is dependent upon individual needs and circumstances – our dedicated team will discuss the best treatment plan for you as part of your free initial assessment. Typically programmes can include one-to-one therapy, psychotherapy, mood management techniques and a range of creative techniques. Your unique programme will be devised and implemented by your dedicated specialist, who will liaise regularly with you from start to finish, ensuring the greatest chance of success.


Aftercare is a major component to your continual success in recovery. Again this is unique for each individual person and can vary greatly. However, it will usually involve weekly or monthly follow-up sessions, regular recovery meetings whether in person or via telephone / Skype, and very occasionally ‘top up’ residential stays may be advised where necessary.

Once the initial hard work is completed, it is important to continue the success – something as simple as having someone to lean on and a safe place to seek sanctuary can be the difference between success and relapse for many clients.

Family Programme

All forms of addiction can affect not only the person but also their nearest and dearest. Their condition may have become part of everyday life for loved ones, causing feelings of failure and despair. They may have contributed, unknowingly to the continuation of the addiction, for example by ‘excusing’ the addicted person’s behaviour, for many years and be harbouring feelings of guilt and remorse.

Our team is committed to helping loved ones to understand what the addicted person is going through and develop effective ways to support them going forward. Our family programme offers private sessions with your loves one’s lead therapist or joint sessions with the person suffering with addiction. Having the support of family and friends and being supported in their recovery is an effective tool in ensuring the best chance at continued recovery.


Can I have visitors during my treatment programme in Birmingham?

The simple answer is yes. Family and friends play a pivotal role in recovery and can even be included in recovery plans. Visits will normally be restricted during the initial detox period to support your need to focus on your recovery and avoid emotionally stressful situations in the delicate first phase. Loved ones are welcome to call in at any time to check up on your progress during this stage and our dedicated, caring team will provide updates at your discretion.

Is there a cost involved in treatment?

Addiction services are available on the NHS, however it can take many months or years to access such services free of charge. It is normally the case that when an addicted person makes the decision to get help, starting treatment as quickly as possible offers the best chance of success in beating the addiction.

At Priority we believe that the in-depth nature of residential treatment facilitates faster recovery times with less chance of relapse due to continual monitoring and support. This invaluable commodity, similar to many other private medical facilities, is subject to a weekly fee (which may vary from clinic to clinic). It usually includes accommodation, a unique tailored recovery programme and food and drinks.

To discuss your unique situation in more detail, or to find out more about addiction support available for the Brighton area, call us now on 01934 413039 for a free assessment. We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What our clients say

  • I can't really find the words to say how grateful I am and how much I owe every one of you.
    ML,.received treatment at our clinic