Alcohol Treatment - Preston

Overcoming addiction in Preston

Help is available for addiction sufferers in Preston at Priority Treatment, with a dedicated team waiting to take your call now and make the brave decision to seek help as accessible and stress-free as possible.

Here to help

World class therapists are on hand to offer you top treatment in overcoming addiction, including with substance and alcohol, gambling issues, stress and eating disorders.



Our support services include smart, elegant centres set in peaceful, magnificent surroundings providing an ideal asylum for clients to seek solace from their addiction. Our devoted team will assess you, free of charge, over the phone and advise the best course of action for you, with same day admission an option.


Our beautiful facilities offer choices in terms of treatment plans and accommodation types to fit in with individual patient’s needs and preferences. All of our settings are graceful, peaceful and calming and provide the perfect time-out retreat for residential care. You can choose from private rooms or houses, hotel or family-style accommodation and all are commutable from Preston which is ideally linked by Preston Railway Station, the M6 motorway and a stone’s throw from Blackpool International Airport.


Treatment in Preston


As with most recovery programmes an initial detox period will take place. This is carefully monitored by Priority’s caring support specialists who will be on hand round the clock to meet your physical and emotional needs. This time is focused on relaxation and calm.

Unique Treatment Plan

After detox you can begin on your specialised plan of recovery, as agreed with your lead therapist, and may undertake activities such as counselling sessions, psychotherapy, mood management and creative and equine assisted therapy.


The aftercare programme on offer at Priority is second to none. We will continue to support you once the initial hard work is done in residential care, with going back to everyday life. We offer a range of services such as telephone and Skype support, meetings and top-up residential stays. We believe in the need for ongoing support to keep you on the road to recovery.

Family Programme

Many family members can also feel the effects of addiction. They may have been coping with the addiction for many years and be unsure what they can do to best support the addicted person. We believe in supporting loved ones in supporting you. We will talk to them about understanding addiction and finding ways to best support their loved one going forward. One of the most successful tools in recovery is future planning and family can play a big part in that. Having something to focus on and look forward to can help an addiction sufferer in their recovery process no end.


Will my family be able to visit me during my residential stay in Preston?

We believe in the need to focus completely during the detox period, which is all about calm and relaxation and achieving success. During this time family visits may be restricted to ensure the best chance of success. However, for the remainder of the stay we would encourage visits from your nearest and dearest to support you through your recovery and telephone updates will always be provided, with the patient’s agreement.

Is there a fee for Priority’s services?

The services offered at Priority give addiction sufferers the best possible chance of recovery. The swift process of getting started, with same day admission on occasion, and the intense initial stages of residential care make it the most efficient service to help with recovery. While you can access services free of charge via the NHS, it can be a much more lengthy process.

Prices include our superb range of accommodations, food and drinks and an individual treatment plan to meet your needs.

To discuss your situation or to find out more about addiction support available in Preston, call us now on 01934 413039 for a free assessment. We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What our clients say

  • I can't really find the words to say how grateful I am and how much I owe every one of you.
    ML,.received treatment at our clinic